SP 1: Development and implementation climate-optimized and resource-saving agricultural equipment


The KULUNDA project showed that ultra-flat tillage (max. 4 cm deep) to mix in the harvest residues and control weeds can have positive effects, while the layer of mulch which prevents erosion remains in the top soil.  This type of shallow tillage also prevents water losses from evaporation in the soil. Therefore, we plan to develop a multifunctional tillage machine for this region with its low precipitation and high potential evapotranspiration.

The reduction of the tillage intensity causes higher weed pressure. The application of selective treatment seems to be the solution to avoid a significant increase in the amount of herbicides required.

It is known from other dry areas that the application of liquid fertilizer is most effective, among other reasons, since it provides an option to mix in macro- and micro-elements based on need. Therefore, the plan is to develop options for applying liquid fertilizer integrated into the seeders and potentially the tillage machines manufactured by Amazonen-Werke. Moreover, extensive tests on the efficiency of the nutrient uptake by the plant using various types of fertilizer, application methods and tillage will be conducted together with sub-project 5 (Nutrients).